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Ho is an expert in martial arts called Taebo. She runs a Taebo school, and there are $N$ students in her school. Since Ho is too old to teach Taebo, she is going to hand over her school to one of her students. To find a suitable candidate, Ho made all $\frac{N(N-1)}{2}$ pairs of students do a Taebo matchup with each other. In a Taebo matchup, exactly one person wins the match, and another person loses the match. Ho thinks that a student is good enough to receive her school if the student is a Gosu of Taebo.

Gosu is a Korean word which means a person who is very good at games, sports, competitive programming, etc. In Taebo, Gosu has a different meaning. 

Let's define a winning path from player $x$ to player $y$ as a sequence of $K+1$ integers $a_0 = x,\ a_1,\ \cdots ,\ a_K = y$, where student $a_i$ has won student $a_{i+1}$ for all $0 \le i < K$. We call $K$ as the length of this winning path. For example, if there exists a winning path of length 1, we can immediately know that $x$ has won student $y$. If there exists a winning path of length 2, then $x$ may not have won $y$ directly, but there exists some other player $z$ that $x$ has won, and has won $y$.

The distance $d(x,\ y)$ is defined as a minimum length of winning path from $x$ to $y$, if such exists. There could be a case that $x$ can not find a winning path to $y$. In that case, we define $d(x,\ y) = 9000$. Note that, the path can have zero length, thus $d(i,\ i)$ is always $0$. 

Ho wants her student to be strong to all kind of opponents, so she defines the weakness of student $i$, as a maximum value among $d(i,\ 1),\ d(i,\ 2),\ \cdots,\ d(i,\ N)$. A student $i$ is a Gosu in Taebo when the weakness of student $i$ is minimum among all weakness values. By this definition, there can be multiple Gosu-s.

Since Ho is too old to tell who is Gosu, your task is to find a Gosu and weakness value of Gosu to help Ho. If there exist multiple Gosu-s, you can print any of them.  


In the first line, the number of students $N$ is given.

In the $i$-th line of next $N$ lines, a string $s_i$ consists of W, L, and -. Let's denote $j$-th character of $s_i$ as $s_{i,j}$. $s_{i,j}$ is given as follows:

  • $s_{i,j}=$ -, if $i=j$.
  • $s_{i,j}=$ W, if student $i$ won student $j$.
  • $s_{i,j}=$ L, if student $j$ won student $i$.


Print two space-separated integers, u and d ${\color{red}d}$ and ${\color{red}u}$, where student $u$ is Gosu, and $d$ is weakness of student $u$.

If there are multiple answers, you can print any of them.


  • $2 \le N \le 3\,000$
  • $s_{i, i} =$ - ($1 \le i \le N$)
  • If $i \neq j$, then $s_{i, j}=$ W or $s_{i, j}=$ L. ($1 \le i \le N$)
  • If $s_{i, j} = $ W, then $s_{j, i} = $ L. ($1 \le i,\ j \le N$)
  • If $s_{i, j} = $ L, then $s_{j, i} = $ W. ($1 \le i,\ j \le N$)

서브태스크 1 (40점)

This subtask has an additional constraint:

  • $N \le 100$

서브태스크 2 (60점)

This subtask has no additional constraints.

예제 입력 1


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예제 출력 2

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예제 출력 3

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University > KAIST > 2019 KAIST RUN Spring Contest B번

  • 문제를 만든 사람: ainta

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