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The Fibonacci numbers are defined as follows:

  • F(0) = 0
  • F(1) = 1
  • F(m) = F(m-1) + F(m-2) for m ≥ 2

The Fibonacci machine operates on an n-element integer register sequence <i1, i2, ..., in> which initially contains zeroes only. The machine provides two operations:

  • adding one to each register in interval [a, b], i.e. adding 1 to the numbers ia, ia+1, ..., ib.;
  • calculating the sum of those Fibonacci numbers, the sequence numbers of which are stored in registers from the interval [a, b], i.e. calculating F(ia) + F(ia+1) + ... + F(ib).

Your task is to write a simulator of the Fibonacci machine.


The first line of the standard input contains two integers n and k (1 ≤ n, k ≤ 100,000), separated by a single space and representing the length of the sequence and the number of operations. Each of the following k lines contains a description of one operation. Such a description consists of a character D or S and two integers a and b (1 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ n), separated by single spaces. The character D stands for adding of 1 to the interval [a, b], and the character S stands for calculating the sum of Fibonacci numbers the sequence numbers of which are from [a, b]. You may assume that at least one operation of type Sappears in the sequence of operations.


For each operation S write to the standard output exactly one line with the desired Fibonacci sum. Each result should be calculated modulo 109 + 7.

예제 입력 1

5 7
D 1 4
S 1 5
D 3 5
D 2 3
S 1 5
D 2 5
S 2 3

예제 출력 1



After seven operations the sequence of registers becomes <1, 3, 4, 3, 2>. The result of the last query is equal to F(3) + F(4) = 5.