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Today it is 4th August. If you were born before 4th August (in whatever year you were born) then you have already had your 2007 birthday. If you were born after 4th August, you have not yet had your 2007 birthday. If you were born on 4th August, happy birthday! If you were born on 29th February unlucky, you do not have a birthday this year, as 2007 is not a leap year!


Input will consist of a number of lines containing dates. All dates will be valid and no date will be repeated, so there will be no more than 365 lines. The format for a line will be one or two digits, a space, and the full name of a month. The name will begin with an upper case letter, and the other letters will be lower case. Input will be terminated by a line containing just 0 #.


Output will consist of the word "Yes" if a person born on that date would have had their 2007 birthday by now, "No" if they would not, "Happy birthday" if the date is 4th August and "Unlucky" if the date is 29th February. The first letter on each output line is upper case, the rest are lower case.

예제 입력 1

5 January
15 December
29 February
4 August
8 August
0 #

예제 출력 1

Happy birthday